Air Sat One FANS 1/A Testing
SwiftBroadband Safety Services (SBB Safety), Iridium, VHF and Inmarsat Classic Aero networks.

Air Sat One provides FANS testing for aircraft equipped with Datalink communication. Our CNS/ATM workstation supports full FANS 1/A functionality testing in accordance with RTCA DO-258A/ED-100A and supports real time live testing over the SITA global network. Live testing can be conducted over VHF, Iridium, Inmarsat's Classic Aero I, H / H+ and Inmarsat's SwiftBroadband Safety Services (SBB Safety) networks.
Our team has extensive experience with FANS 1/A with over 31 years of avionics development, test and certification experience, having completed the first FANS-over-Iridium certification, and more than 20 FANS certification programs. From the very first FANS 1 program on a 747-400 to the latest business jet retrofit FANS solution, our engineering expertise has made the path to certification simple for our clients. Our team was involved in developing the FANS standards, chaired the committee that developed RTCA DO-306, and actively participates in FANS and SATCOM standards development to this day to keep on top of the ever-changing technologies and regulations. Our test reports meet the requirements of RTCA DO-258A/ED-100A, RTCA DO-306/ED-122 and FAA Advisory Circular AC 20-140C.
Initial STC Testing | Commissioning Testing |
Troubleshooting Testing | Preflight Maintenance Checks |
*For testing over the VHF network the aircraft must be within VHF coverage area.